Am 09.08.2014 um 00:36 schrieb Felix Miata:
> On 2014-08-09 00:06 (GMT+0200) Reindl Harald composed:
>>> Anaconda provides resizing facility, but not move. Also, I'm not sure if
>>>  Anaconda can resize FAT partitions.
>> but that is nohting you do every day, frankly even not every year keep in
>>  mind "yum install gparted" just works on a Live-CD!
> Every use for live media includes network access?

no as well as not use gparted

> So what's a live media boot good for if not things little other 
> than live media boot can support

to test Fedora without install it on a computer
already running a different OS

> (what one does not do every day)? Shouldn't live media 
> have some carrots to compensate for their sloth?

for the usecase of this topic there are special distributions

> Then again, when I need a live media boot, I only trust the 
> live media granddaddy to have everything I need

you can't have *everything* you *may* need in every imagineable
situation and since the space on a live-CD is not endless you
need to draw a line and include packages useful for *most*
users to get a feeling if Fedora could be the right OS for
the future


* include gparted with deps and drop other things to get the space
* the other things are likely more interesting for testers

what is the better decision for a *generic* OS like Fedora?

the Fedora Live CD don't need to beat special recovery distributions
but it should help people to decide install Fedora on their HD

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