> Fedora's recent tendency to override the published file system hierarchy 
> specs, at whim, and replace them with symlinks is problematic, unnecessary, 
> and is breaking things. In this case, /media is defined in the upstream specs 
> as the location for removable media. Not /run/media. Not 
> /whither/my/love/piñata/wanders/media.

Are you referring to the File System Hierarchy (FHS 2.3) spec [1],
published in 2004, or the FHS 3 (beta) spec from 2011 [2] ?

Regardless, those specs (according to my reading) do not imperatively
[3] require a /media directory for removable media. It would appear
/media is preferable to legacy places like /mnt/cdrom, etc. They also
do not disallow for /run/media/$UID, only stipulating that these areas
be sensibly protected, which Fedora does.

Perhaps It would be nice to retain /media for situations where seated
users choose to mount media in an insecure (world accessible) way?

[1] http://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/FHS_2.3/fhs-2.3.html
[2] http://www.linuxbase.org/betaspecs/fhs/fhs.html
[3] https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt


-Jon Disnard
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