On Tue, 26.08.14 11:06, Michal Sekletar (msekl...@redhat.com) wrote:

> > Recently I have noticed that systemd package dependency is creeping into
> > some packages where it is not necessary. subversion [1] or rsync [2] are
> > good examples. Please consider moving daemon parts into independent
> > subpackages. When I install rsync/subversion, I am typically interested
> > just in client side.
> At some point in time (F16 IIRC) we had systemd-units package which contained
> /etc/rpm/macros.systemd file. Packagers which followed our guidelines used for
> example %{unitdir} macro in %files. Hence they added systemd-units to
> BuildRequires.
> These days systemd-units no longer exists, macro file moved to systemd rpm and
> systemd-units is a provided by systemd rpm. Therefore systemd proper creeping
> into buildroots.

Yeah, we removed the systemd-units package a while after systemd was the
only init system we supported on Fedora...


Lennart Poettering, Red Hat
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