# Fedora Quality Assurance Meeting
# Date: 2014-09-15
# Time: 15:00 UTC
# Location: #fedora-meeting on irc.freenode.net

Greetings testers!

It's everyone's favourite time...meeting time!

Once again we have to check in on Fedora 21 Alpha - unfortunately there
are some major issues remaining, still. Again we can also check in
on the multiboot release criteria discussion that's been going on on the
list, as we didn't quite conclude it this week.

== Proposed Agenda Topics ==
1. Previous meeting follow-up
  * adamw to try and expedite discussion of the OS X / Windows multiboot
  criteria revision
  * adamw to file and marked as approvedFE the GNOME 3.13.91 bug
2. Fedora 21 status
  * TC7 status
  * What to do about persistent netinst issues
  * Any other outstanding problems? squashfs (bruno?)
3. Multi-boot release criteria
  * Windows criterion review
  * OS X criterion proposal
  * What to do with other Linuxes?
4. Open floor

Thanks! See you soon.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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