On 3 Oct 2014, at 19:37, Ray Strode wrote:

I'm not sure it's worth repainting the bikeshed at this point, but
during the alluded-to discussion a few alternative names came up that
would have been better than fedora-release-standard:

1) fedora-release-nonstandard
2) fedora-release-custom
3) fedora-release-diy
4) fedora-release-noncompliant

The "nonstandard" and "noncompliant" names seem a bit pejorative.

However, fedora-release-custom and fedora-release-diy (do-it- yourself) and fedora-release-pyop (pick-your-own-packageset) and fedora-release-byob (bring-your-own-blueprint) all have similar meanings to this US-English speaker, and all seem like reasonable choices, although the last three might require a parenthetical explanation for some folk.

Yes, Myrtle Green would make a nice color for the bike shed.

Mike Pinkerton

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