Hello everyone!

See subject line. I wonder whether there is a group of people at Fedora
that could examine issues that let the entire product look bad?

As for the background, it had started with Firefox hardcoding /var/tmp as
its temporary directory. Obviously, starting applications from within
Firefox made them run in an environment different than when started on the
desktop. It has taken some time for the Fedora maintainers of Firefox to
confirm it's an issue and to implement a work-around. Fedora's /usr/bin/firefox
startup script evaluates exports $TMPDIR with a default of /var/tmp. Again,
and obviously, a user, who wants a single _unique_ directory for temporary
files for _all_ applications, needs to define that directory somewhere. Or
else, Fedora would just be broken by default. When I wanted to discuss that
topic on devel list, I asked how many other applications either hardcode
a tmp dir or rely on evaluating env variables.

Meanwhile, another issue has been found. Some months ago already. It
affects GNOME Shell and email programs started via gnome-terminal's
mailto handler:


It just doesn't work, because $TMPDIR is not passed on to the launched
application. And the application cannot work around it.

Is there any authoritative group at Fedora who wants the product to not
suck like that?
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