On Tuesday 09 December 2014 18:39:25 Radek Holy wrote:
> Wow, I have already received a lot of feedback from you. I have not read it 
> all yet. I very much appreciate it. Feel free to add even more feedback :-)
> I just forgot to mention that even your own aliases, plugins, workarounds and 
> the other hacks you always need to do your job properly would be very 
> interesting for us.

OK, this isn't a direct DNF/YUM item, but still...

I have several workstations/laptops with the same Fedora version (currently 20):
 * Downloading the same RPM's/DRPM's for each of these hosts is a huge waste.
 * OTOH, I haven't found a no-brainer yum-proxy (a-la Debian's apt-proxy
   or apt-cacher-ng)
 * I update them daily. I do this manually to have a quick look at what changes.
 * Sometimes I update via KDE apper (which use PackageKit, which calls
   yum backend).
 * But most of the time I do this over ssh, using DNF (it's faster...)

So my workaround is:
 * I have a script: "yumcache_to <hostname>"
 * This copies (via rsync) all RPM's/DRPM's under /var/cache/yum.
   Last year I also added /var/cache/dnf.
 * It doesn't copy the meta-data files (for safety -- maybe they are in
   the middle of update via PackageKit or some cron-job).
 * When I started using DNF, I modified my script to also cross-hard-link
   all packages between yum and dnf caches before the rsync.
 * This effectively make them behave as a unified cache. Since some of
   my updates are via yum (e.g: via PackageKit) and some via dnf -- this
   cross-hard-linking also save extra downloads.

For this to be effective:
 * I have a keepcache=1 in /etc/yum.conf and keepcache=true in /etc/dnf/dnf.conf
 * I have another "yumcache_dillute" script that remove old RPM's from caches
   (by time-stamp).

As said, this isn't directly yum/dnf issue, but your are the people that can
think of the missing pieces (some yum/dnf proxy -- that maps url's
across mirrorlist -- so the same RPM's is a proxy hit, regardless of
which exact mirror it was pulled off)

Thank you all,

Oron Peled                                 Voice: +972-4-8228492
o...@actcom.co.il                  http://users.actcom.co.il/~oron

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