On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 8:25 AM, Richard Hughes <hughsi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 30 December 2014 at 23:31, Chris Murphy <li...@colorremedies.com> wrote:
>> b.) Would it be helpful, friendlier, and better emphasize the special
>> focus, if these group install items mentioned above were exposed in
>> GNOME Software with an appropriate icon?
> We could do this right now, although I don't think "expose the entire
> comps tree" makes a lot of sense. We need translations, icons,
> screenshots, and of course approval from the Fedora/GNOME designers.
> Addons would be a logical place for this, although I think it probably
> needs more design thought about how to handle these "non-application"
> metagroupings.

Sounds very reasonable.

Qualifying my position: I'm fairly comfortable with yum/dnf group
installs now, so this isn't a sticking point for me personally. This
really is the Workstation WG's turf to define what kind of UI/UX they
want to have for developers new to the platform. And I'm inclined to
think keeping developers (even CLI dominant ones) away from the
esoterics of platform packaging is a good thing. I don't know if
Software will instinctually be their go to for such a thing, so that's
also a question someone needs to answer.

> Installing a compiler is something that *something*
> needs to handle, I'm just not sure if that should be gnome-software
> itself or something that *uses* gnome-software to do the correct thing
> and to handle updates.

Could maybe be in scope for Fedora dev assistant also.
"Make the development on Fedora easier for beginners."
"Try to install package containing setup for your favourite language."

Chris Murphy
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