> While I think you are right in some cases like cashier, isn't this
> discussion really about the Fedora Workstation?! Since for this the
> target user is a developer, can we just agree that in this case the user
> needs both CLI and GUI apps (although some developers certainly sticks
> to one of them).

The gist is that
* Nobody _should_ need to use a terminal: non-developers¹ don’t need it, and 
developers deserve a better environment.  It’s “only” a matter of writing lots 
of new software.  AFAICT Workstation would in some ideal future want to get to 
this state.  (And non-Linux operating systems are getting closer and closer to 
this ideal over time.)

* _Currently_ most Linux developers do need to use a terminal.

So there is no right answer, only a trade-off: Make terminal usage discouraged 
and difficult for current users, and hopefully get better non-terminal 
environment in the future, or make terminal usage easy and the generally 
recommended way, and give up hope on the developer UI significantly improving 
for the future users.

¹ Again considering shell scripts and pipelines as “development”.
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