> On Fri, Mar 06, 2015 at 09:43:33AM -0500, Adam Jackson wrote:
> > As resolved by FESCO in our meeting on 4 March 2015, FESCO requests that
> > anaconda revert a password behaviour change in the UI from F22,
> > restoring the "double-click to confirm weak password" behaviour from F21
> > and earlier.
> From what I'm reading in the meeting logs and the ticket comments, it
> appears the revert decision is basically a temporary solution and a more
> formal security policy will be discussed later.  We had technical arguments
> in favor of the change originally, but I have yet to see technical arguments
> against the change come together in any sort of concrete policy.

There were quite a few use cases that just don’t warrant that strong a 
password, and where the insistence on a strong password is only annoying.  Even 
if we completely discounted the Fedora testers, there are personal VMs, and 
there is Workstation with disabled ssh.  Are these not “technical arguments 
against the change”?

Sure, they are disconnected and don’t come packaged in a neat distribution-wide 
policy, but then neither does the anaconda change.
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