Am 02.07.2015 um 02:13 schrieb Michael Catanzaro:
On Thu, 2015-07-02 at 00:44 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
the more important question: who do gnome developers think they are
make such decisions?

Hi Reindl,

If you know enough about TLS to decide whether to click the Load Anyway
button in your browser on a particular site, or enough about DNSSEC to
know whether you want to disable validation, then congratulations: you
are the 1%. That's great, but we are building an operating system that
needs to be safe to use for the 99%. An operating system that requires
users to make confusing security-related decisions is not safe to use.
Constructing such an operating system is not ethical.

oh and because i know enough you will make it impossible for me too instead describe the implications and in the best case lead users to a wiki page so that there will be more users knowing about in the future?

If you know what a session cookie is, that clicking the Load Anyway
button in your browser leaks it to attackers, and why that matters,
then you are the privileged minority, and our software is not designed
for you alone. Our free software will respect users -- the entire user
population, not just the 1% -- or it will be bullshit [1].

I don't expect you to agree with me on this, but there you have it. :)

i am the the privileged minority because i come before developers treated their users like idiots - if i would start these days working with computers i likely would not have the chance to become interested due the "hide anything attitude"

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