On Tue, 08 Sep 2015 04:57:42 +0200
Kevin Kofler <kevin.kof...@chello.at> wrote:

> Fedora compose checker wrote:
> > Missing expected images:
> > 
> > Kde Live i386
> > Kde Live x86_64
> > Kde Disk armhfp
> These fail to compose because Bodhi 2 failed in the middle of the
> push of: https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2015-14271
> and sent parts of the update to stable, parts not. As a result, the
> whole KF5 stack has broken dependencies.

I'm not sure how you reached that conclusion, but ok... 

> Someone in rel-eng needs to fix the Koji tags for those packages to
> match what Bodhi thinks their state is and resend the update to
> stable in Bodhi. Then a Bodhi developer needs to RTFM on the ACID
> criteria, such non- transactional behavior is just plain
> unacceptable! Push all or nothing.

Well, step 0 needs to be: Someone lets bodhi developers know there is
an issue and that they should investigate it. 

I've filed:

Please add any details of your investigation there if you would like to
be helpful. 


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