On Thu, Sep 10, 2015 at 12:39:54PM -0500, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:
> MM> That said, I do recognize that "provides high-quality packages" has
> MM> also always been an underlying Fedora value even if unstated. But, I
> MM> think that _that_ value should be in support of the Big Four, and in
> MM> support of our mission in general, not a sacred beast for its own
> MM> sake.
> Well, for the FPC, high quality packaging is pretty much our only
> mission.  I'm trying to avoid veering off into hyperbole here, but if we
> can't be focused on our specific mission then that kind of complicates
> our job.

I don't think high quality packaging for its own sake _should_ be the
FPC's mission. It should be high quality packaging _for the sake of the
Fedora mission, values, and objectives_. Otherwise, it should be the
Something-Else Packaging Committee rather than Fedora Package
Committee. And that's not to pick on FPC in particular -- all Fedora
Subprojects should have the overall project's goals in mind.

> But if FESCo or the board or whoever wants to say that we no longer
> really care about bundling, then FPC will stop caring.  Right now we've
> been told to care about bundling and so we developed all of this process
> and rules to implement that directive.

Yeah, I think this thread is aimed at figuring out exactly that.

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
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