On 11/05/2015 11:30 PM, Rob Nelson wrote:

I have previously installed mod_passenger from EPEL 6:

server1$ yum list mod_passenger
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  * base: centos.den.host-engine.com <http://centos.den.host-engine.com>
  * epel: mirror.steadfast.net <http://mirror.steadfast.net>
  * extras: mirror.unl.edu <http://mirror.unl.edu>
  * updates: centos.host-engine.com <http://centos.host-engine.com>
Installed Packages
3.0.21-11.el6                             @epel

However, it no longer exists in EPEL:

server2$ yum list mod_passenger
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
  * base: mirror.cs.uwp.edu <http://mirror.cs.uwp.edu>
  * extras: mirror.steadfast.net <http://mirror.steadfast.net>
  * updates: mirror.acsnet.com <http://mirror.acsnet.com>
Error: No matching Packages to list

I cannot find any notice of this being an orphaned or removed RPM in the
mail list archives since ~April when server1 above was provisioned. Did
I miss something obvious, or is there a notice of this change somewhere

Thank you,

Rob Nelson

Not sure there was an announcement, although it would have been good if there was. As for the reason:


Orion Poplawski
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3380 Mitchell Lane                  or...@cora.nwra.com
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