On 26 November 2015 at 21:34, Adam Williamson <adamw...@fedoraproject.org>

> On Thu, 2015-11-26 at 14:06 -0500, Randy Barlow wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I recently added the package python-rpdb to F22/23/rawhide. The build
> > failed in Koji due to having a BuildRequires on python3-devel. It seems
> > that it is called python34-devel in EL 7. This leads me to wonder on a
> > few things:
> EL 7 itself does not include Python 3. There is a build called
> 'python34' in EPEL 7 indeed, and I believe there are also some builds
> provided as SCLs, I don't know what naming scheme they follow.
> > 0) Should I call my package python34-rpdb in EL 7 for consistency? There
> > don't seem to be very many Python 3 packages for EL 7 at all (yum search
> > only found a handful) but it seemed that there are a few doing this.
> > Alternatively, I could just build the python2 package.
> Personally I only do py2 builds for EL 7. If I were doing a python3
> build I think I'd still call it python3-foo, not python34-foo.
> > 1) What is the recommended strategy for handling my spec file if I
> > attempt to do different things in EL 7 than I do in F22+? I had
> > considered just making this change to the spec file in that branch, but
> > since this would require raising the release it could make upgrade from
> > EL 7 to EL 8 tricky if the package version doesn't change upstream. Is
> > it better to use if statements in the spec file? I like the idea of very
> > clean spec files that work on one specific release, but on the other
> > hand I do see the potential for upgrading to be disrupted.
> You can choose to do it either way, there is no official requirement to
> use either approach (or even officially preferred approach). I usually
> use %if's and try to keep the spec the same across as many branches as
> possible so I can just lazily merge stuff down from master, though
> obviously if you go to a new release with major changes in Rawhide, you
> can't just merge that back to stable releases.
> Indeed the snippet you found is intended to help with the issue you
> mentioned. Note:
> 1.0-2.fc23 is lower than 1.0-3.fc22
> but:
> 1.0-2.fc23 is higher than 1.0-2.fc22.1

You will probably want to keep an eye on this FPC ticket:


There's currently an ongoing discussion on how best to handle python3 in
EPEL given the 3.4->3.5 upcoming (and future) transitions and the impact
this may have on maintenance.
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