On Fri, Dec 04, 2015 at 09:45:11AM +0100, Tomas Hozza wrote:
> Would regular Fedora contributors be able to create and build Layered
> Docker images using OSBS? Or will this be usable only for the official
> images produced as part of Fedora Products?
> E.g. if I think it would be beneficial to ship some package/service that
> is already shipped in Fedora as Docker image, will there be any way for
> me to leverage OSBS instance in Fedora?

The eventual intent is this, yes. The idea is that maintaining
container image in Fedora will be a strong parallel to maintaining an
RPM package today, with similar infrastructure, tooling, and community.

> It is not entirely clear to me who is the intended consumer of this -
> Fedora releng? Fedora WGs? Regular contributors?

The immediate needs are:

 - Fedora Server roles delivered as Atomic Apps (see the memcached role
   for a current example)

 - Parts of Fedora Atomic meant to be shipped that way, like Cockpit

 - The various example Dockerfiles now packaged as fedora-dockerfiles
   in the Cloud WG

but ideally that will be just the beginning.

(Adam, correct me if I'm off on any of this!)

Matthew Miller
Fedora Project Leader
devel mailing list

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