On 07/12/15 14:59, Pierre-Yves Chibon wrote:
>> So, in the general case of packages being retired from EPEL7 because
>> they have moved to RHEL, how do we avoid missing packages in the future?
> Could make a compat package in EPEL7 be an option?
> This way you introduce back the version that was present without conflicting
> with RHEL.

The .so version is exactly the same, so it wouldn't really be a compat
package, but more of an exact duplicate. I'm not sure that's desirable?

Is there some kind of Red Hat policy for retiring EPEL packages that
have been brought to RHEL? If I understand correctly, there would have
been no need to retire libunwind so quickly if the upgrade path had been
kept intact (ie, the retirement could then at least have been delayed
until CentOS 7.2 was released).

I'd like to unretire libunwind for EPEL while waiting for CentOS 7.2,
but that would break RHEL. So I think what I need to do is wait until
the libunwind.rh maintainer has bumped the Release of libunwind.rh, then
request for libunwind.el7 to be unretired. But this process may not even
complete before CentOS 7.2 is released... thus making it rather pointless.

Kind regards,
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