Hello! I'm interested in learning about RPM packaging for Fedora, and I'd like 
to see the "Developer Edition" release channel for Firefox (formerly called 
Firefox Aurora) available in the Fedora repositories. So my partner Bob and I 
are working on packaging firefox-dev. Our spec file repository is forked from 
the Fedora package for the regular release of Firefox. It's not in a working 
state yet, but you can see our progress on GitHub -- 

And we have a Copr here -- 

Firefox Developer Edition and regular Firefox are able to share the same user 
profile (the bookmarks, preferences, etc) or use separate profiles, we're 
aiming to allow both versions of Firefox to coexist on the same system. 

Bob and I are both fairly new to the packaging process, so any help will be 

~Andrew Toskin
("terrycloth" on GitHub and FAS)
devel mailing list

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