On 01/08/2016 04:02 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:
On Fri, Jan 08, 2016 at 12:49:39PM +0100, Jakub Filak wrote:
A few months after Fedora 23 was released we have:
- 1149 bug reports for Workstation
- 14 bug reports for Server
- 5 bug reports for Cloud
Do we have stats for non-edition reports? (Covering, e.g. other spins.)
Those bugs can be identified by their Whiteboard. ABRT adds
to all Bugzilla bugs but 'VARIANT_ID=[^;]*;' only to those opened for
with the filed in the /etc/os-release file. Therefore non-edition bug
Whiteboards must match '^abrt_hash:[^;]*;$' regular expression.
The following query returns 612 bug reports:
However, this is just an approximation as Whiteboard can be modified.
ABRT will provide you with a more accurate statistics, once we find human
resources to implement processing of VARIANT_ID in
FAF (ABRT server) [0][1] (the client is already including this
information in
its reports but the server cannot process it).
0: https://retrace.fedoraproject.org/faf/summary/
1: https://github.com/abrt/faf/issues/352
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