On Tue, 12 Jan 2016 11:17:37 +0100, Christian Dersch wrote:

> > The same procedure has been started a few times, at least
> >
> >   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/736874
> >   https://bugzilla.redhat.com/963890
> >
> > Requesting co-maintainer access would be a way to solve such
> > isues.
> >  
> I requested it in pkgdb some weeks ago. Got no response, thats why I
> started the unresponsive maintainer procedure.

Isn't that tedious, inefficient and a waste of time? Having to start the
non-responsive maintainer procedure again and again just to get a response
(hopefully)? How long have the packages been unmaintained this time? Why
protect the package from getting a few co-maintainers? Would help not be
welcome in this case? Would FESCo insist on waiting for the procedure to
be completed instead of granting an exception?


Now I dunno whether you would be happy with a belated response from
the maintainer, but something obviously doesn't work well here.
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