Does anyone know how to contact Ignacio Vazquez-Abrams? I've been trying to contact him in regards to, and have also tried contacting him via the email address in bugzilla, and have not received any response.

It looks like he has not been active in Fedora for a while. The fedora-active-user script returns this:
Last login in FAS:
   ivazquez 2013-11-05
Last action on koji:
Thu, 17 Sep 2015 package list entry created: xmlcopyeditor in f23_Beta by ausil [still active]
Last package update on bodhi:

The last koji action is obviously not correct, and points to another problem package: xmlcopyeditor was last updated by ivazquez in 2011, and since then has twice had to be updated or modified (like actually modified, not just rebulit) for build failures.
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