On Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 2:03 PM Sander Hoentjen <san...@hoentjen.eu> wrote:

> On 01/21/2016 12:29 AM, Christopher wrote:
> > On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 12:34 PM Sander Hoentjen <san...@hoentjen.eu
> > <mailto:san...@hoentjen.eu>> wrote:
> > [snip]
> >
> >     > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging:JavaScript
> >     Yeah I read that, but is says "Please note that this section
> >     really only
> >     applies to JavaScript libraries intended for use on the web." so I am
> >     not sure that applies to my case.
> >
> >
> > It also doesn't thoroughly cover these use cases:
> >
> > 1. how to handle customized embedded forks of a JavaScript library in
> > upstream,
> >
> > 2. how to deal with JavaScript resources which upstream Java packages
> > embed in their WARs (should the maintainer have to rewrite significant
> > portions of upstream code to make these resources available from
> > another location in the filesystem?),
> >
> > 3. applications which require the same shared JavaScript resources but
> > with slightly different flags set in the source (to control style, or
> > behavior),
> >
> > 4. how to package a single upstream project which many projects use
> > which contains a combination of images, styles, JavaScript, and other
> > resources, in a well-known hierarchical structure (like Bootstrap)
> So do you have any ideas regarding these issues?
> Would it be ok for my case if upstream provides both minified and src js?
> How could I check if the minified one is indeed gotten from the src js?
> Or do I always have to re-minify js?
> Is included jquery okay or do I have to use the jquery that is already
> packaged?
Unfortunately, no. I don't have answers for how to deal with these cases.
However, I do think that minification should always be done as part of the
build, and any upstream minified source should not be used at all, as it's
not free and open source software.

As for jQuery, js-jquery and the older js-jquery1 are already packaged in
Fedora. Hopefully you can figure out how to make your package use those
instead of embed its own.
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