= Proposed Self Contained Change: Erlang 18 =

Change owner(s):
* Peter Lemenkov < lemenkov AT gmail DOT com>
* Fedora Erlang SIG <erl...@lists.fedoraproject.org>

Update Erlang/OTP to version 18.2.x, and improve Erlang support in Fedora.

== Detailed Description ==
Upgrade Erlang to version 18 which brings a lot of good stuff. Just a
few highlights:
* A lot of scalability and performance improvements.
* Even better Ellyptic Curve Crypto support.
* Initial support for IPv6 Erlang clustering
* New language feature - maps.
* Better, production-ready HiPE support.

Aside from this, we plan to improve quality of Erlang and related
packages. These are shortcomings we want to address:
* We should enable so-called dirty NIF scheduler which is disabled currently.
* Every daemon written in Erlang has its own logging solution which
doesn't use neither syslog nor Journald. We should start switching
them to Journald.
* Erlang packaging is quite complex and mostly undocumented.
* mprove coredump producing and investigating.

== Scope ==
Proposal owners:
* Upgrade Erlang to the latest version (18.2.2). -- Done!
  * Fix failures on i686 achitecture.
* We must rebuild every package which requires NIF or Driver version
(listed below in the Dependencies section) against Erlang 18.2.2.
* Every Erlang daemon's systemd unit must require epmd.socket.
* Allow EPMD implementation switching - Erlang is about choice!
* We need to fill new review request for erlang-ejournald
  * We have to fill new review request for erlang-lager_journald_backend
* Add another default directory to look for Erlang *.beam files.
* Every Erlang package must require erlang-rpm-macros.
* Upgrade outdated packages:
  * Ejabberd
  -- We'd better to package all the bundled libraries Ejabberd requires.
  * Riak
  -- Riak has growing Bugzilla backlog, and badly outdated. We have to
address all of these issues and package some additional libraries
required by new Riak version.
  * Wings3D

Other developers: N/A
Release engineering: N/A
Policies and guidelines:
* We should create Erlang Packaging Guidelines which doesn't exist yet.

Jan Kuřík
Platform & Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat Czech s.r.o., Purkynova 99/71, 612 45 Brno, Czech Republic
devel mailing list

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