On 02/08/2016 03:53 PM, Matthew Miller wrote:

At DevConf.cz, I said that 2016 needed to be the year of the _show_
part of "show & tell" for what we started with the "rings" proposal and
now what we're calling, vaguely, "modularity".

Some of that is scary, because anything really new always is. It's
important that we do this in a way that *both* brings useful new
functionality _and_ doesn't break what we have.

In the commercial world, there's a concept of "minimum viable product" --
not done, not perfect, but what it takes to actually start solving problems
and providing value. In Fedora, we're not in business in the same way, but
some of the same can apply. So, here's my suggestions for a "minimum viable
demo" for what a container-based module might look like in Fedora.

Particularly, when I've spoken to people about delivering parts of Fedora as
containers, the part about tracking security and proving updates becames
disturbingly hand-wavy, with "yeah, of course, we'll do something to cover
that". I think to be successful, we need to make sure that this is addressed
early. So, this proposal for a demo I'd like to see.

I've broken it down into three parts of increasing complexity and
usefulness: starting with "and I want a pony", then moving up to "actually,
a unicorn", and then "also, could you put wings on that?"

So, first:

The Minimum Viable Pony

This is a basic web server module delivered as a container.

Part A: the basic module:

   * Answers on port 80 and serves out static web pages.

   * Content comes from /var/www/html... or another container, or whatever.

   * Doesn't even need to be configurable. It's a demo.

   * It's composed entirely from RPMs already existing in Fedora.

Part B: DNF Plugin to list CVEs

   * Works like 

     - lists all RPMs on host system where a security update is available
       - can list by CVE
       - also by Bugzilla
       - also with link to update notice
       - with various breakdowns by severity level

     - **additionally** lists "modules" which need updates (with same links)
       - has option to list which specific RPMs within the module have the

We are already able to do this kind of stuff with OpenSCAP. ( http://www.open-scap.org ).

Thing is just we have slightly different approach. Let me explain.

Running dnf/yum plugin is often regarded as a partial solution. It may be good enough for Fedora users. However, there are still use-cases. Where dnf/yum plugin may not be good enough:
 * disconnected system (a container without internet access)
* cloned remote repositories (latest Fedora contains bugfixes, but my custom repo may not) * disabled local repositories (software was installed to the container, but the repofile is missing for some reason).

So, we try to examine what is actually installed on the system. Here is one example https://www.open-scap.org/resources/documentation/security-compliance-of-rhel7-docker-containers/

During the last months guys have integrated this solution more tightly with atomic, allowing the scanner to be actually inside super-privileged container. https://martin.preisler.me/2015/11/atomic-scan-and-openscap-daemon/

The problem we are currently facing in Fedora is that you need to have a data that you feed to the scanner. Hence, this CVE analysis can be done only for RHEL, SuSE and Debian systems. So, we are done, once we are able to develop plug-in to bodhi to generate the data feed for us.

Do you think this approach is sensible for the ponycorn? :)

So that's a good start. As a sysadmin, I'm feeling a little less scared
about. But we also need...

To Take It to Unicorn Level

It's all well and good to fix the problem, but we also need to be able to
fix it. So, the next level is:

* Image is built in Fedora's new Layered Image Build Service

* If there is a security vulnerability in any RPM that is in the image, it
   is automatically rebuilt and made available somewhere.

* And automatically tested!

   - Here, just a basic test that makes sure that input web content comes
     out. It's a proof-of-concept so no real in-depth testing is needed.

Also some basic security checks should be in place before publishing the image. I think this represents good starting point: https://github.com/OpenSCAP/scap-security-guide/issues/589 (Don't be confused by RHEL7 label, we have the same thing prepared for Fedora in upstream).


* And, then, a dnf plugin which actually downloads and applies the update.

Now, not only do we have comforting tooling (minimizing change pain), we
also have a real, practical improvement (there will be cake!). In the
current system, while we do hands-on testing of individual updates, they
aren't necessarily tested in the application to which they apply. For
example, if the web server here is Nginx and the security flaw in the SSL
library, current update testing does not guarantee that the update has been
tested *for that use*. But this will. Plus, in addition to whatever human
oversight, there will be an _automatic_ test.

So that's pretty good. But finally, to get to the glorious future, I'd also
like to see this unicorn become also a pegasus (my daughter tells me that
this makes it an "alicorn")...

Taking Flight

Same as above, but with two new things:

New Thing One:

   * Instead of RPMs, a module which uses some non-RPM upstream packaging
     format as part of its composition
     - Ruby gem, Python egg or wheel, Java jar... whatever

   * And the DNF list-security command still works
     - and the verbose flag now tells us about the CVEs or whatever for the
       non-RPM package

New Thing Two:

   * There is enough metadata and intelligence such that when the new
     container is updated, that update happens without downtime. This may
     involve multiple containers.

   * If the update fails locally for some reason (despite the best efforts at
     upstream testing), it's rolled back automatically

 From here, I can imagine all sorts of other mythical creatures. But, you
know, for a start. What do you think?

As a user/sysadmin, is there something more you'd like to see? If
you're skeptical about containers, would this make you feel better? If
not, what might?

If you're excited about them, does this seem like a useful start?
What's missing?

And, of course, if you're a developer working on this stuff, can I have
ponies please?

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