On 02/19/2016 07:09 PM, Josh Boyer wrote:
> Hello,
> In today's FESCo meeting, FESCo agreed to orphan all of Christoper
> Meng's packages on February 26, 2016 at 17:00 UTC if there was no
> further contact from Christopher.  Normally we would not necessarily
> pre-announce an oprhaning action, however the number of packages in
> question is quite large.  He is the point of contact for 230 packages.
> As a heads up to the greater community, the packages are listed below.
> In the event that we have to go through with the orphaning, please
> review them for packages you may wish to take over as the primary
> point of contact.  Should Christopher respond, we would still
> encourage actively seeking out co-maintainers for all of these
> packages.
> Thank you.
> josh
> rpms/i3 -- Improved tiling window manager ( master f23 f22 epel7 )
> rpms/i3-ipc -- Inter-process communication with i3 ( master f23 f22 )
> rpms/i3lock -- Simple X display locker like slock ( master f23 f22 epel7 el6 )
> rpms/i3status -- Status bar generator for i3bar, dzen2, xmobar or
> similar programs ( master f23 f22 epel7 el6 )

I'll take the i3-related packages in case of no response as I'm already
comaintaining them.

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