On Mon, Feb 22, 2016 at 08:59:24PM +0000, Christopher wrote:
> I occasionally get notifications from Koschei about my packages failing to
> build. When I look (
> http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=13071213), I see a
> python stack trace which looks like it has nothing to do with my package's
> build. Rather, it looks like Koschei itself failed. Usually these problems
> fix themselves on their own without me needing to touch my package(s) at
> all.
> It'd be nice not to get package failure notifications from Koschei when
> Koschei itself is at fault and not my package. I realize this might be hard
> to tell sometimes... but perhaps there's something which can be done here?

Good idea!  Can you open a ticket on the koschei issue tracker about it?

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