On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 7:34 AM, Jiergir Ogoerg <f35f22...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> on bigger screens (1920x1080) the folding widget size of Geany looks too
> small and you have to aim for it to click it. I'd ask you to add an option
> to make it bigger.
I concur. Even on small netbook screens one has to carefully aim at
the folding widget, partially cancelling the benefits of folding code


> Btw CodeBlocks by default has a bigger folding widget - just the way I like
> it.
> The code in question is in sciwrappers.c
> I recompiled Geany from git and I posted a screenshot with the function that
> manages the folding widget size at:
> http://sdfsfsfsdfasdfas.blogspot.com/2013/03/blog-post.html
> Please add a GUI option in Geany for people to be able to adjust the default
> folding widget size of 12 to up to like 18 (I use 16).
> Thanks
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