> That's not the way to go.  IIUC what everybody does is triggering
> something in the real program flow from the handler.  E.g. write
> something to a pipe that is monitored by the main loop, and then the
> main loop would do the real handling.  That don't seem so hard to
> implement, is it?

Well, IIRC its been proposed before, but nobody has been bothered to do it. :)

BTW, don't the GLib have something like that already?
> https://developer.gnome.org/glib/unstable/glib-UNIX-specific-utilities-and-integration.html#g-unix-signal-source-new
> looks just fine, is there a problem with it?  Ah crap, I read "since
> 2.30".

Yeah, IIRC thats the sticking point we got to last time it was discussed :)

But it's probably not that hard to implement on older versions
> ourselves, even if it simply means to borrow the relevant code…

As Enrico said, "Glad you volunteered" :)

A final comment is that since SIGTERM is generated by desktop
environments when logging out, the whole handling and saving needs to
be *fast* because the DEs don't seem to be very patient before they
sigkill the process, and that can lose file contents when the save is
partly complete.


> Whatever.  Cheers,
> Colomban
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