On 13 April 2013 03:19, Dimitar Zhekov <dimitar.zhe...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 07:49:41 +1000
> Lex Trotman <ele...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> On Thu, 11 Apr 2013 12:56:22 +0100
> William Fraser <william.fra...@virgin.net> wrote:
> [...]
> Let me confirm. You haven't checked the total resource usage, because
> you expect that a plugin will allocate a resource the first time it
> needs it, and release the resource as soon as it doesn't need it any
> more (as opposed to, say, reserving a resource based on the file
> type). Thus it's reasonable to expect that per-sci allocation will
> considerably the improve resource usage. Am I correct?..
> --
> For the record:
> marker usage:
>   scintilla:            25..31, folding
>   geany highlighting:   0 (goto line), 1 (bookmark)
>   debugger:             12..17
>   numbered bookmarks:   dynamic #s, 10 markers
>   scope:                17..19, configurable
> maximum marker usage:   25 / 22 (debugger / scope)
> geany/scintilla:        9
> available to plugins:   23
> used by plugins:        16 / 13 (70% or 55%)
> fully available:        7 / 10
> fastest resolution:     numberedbookmarks -> 2..11, scope -> 12..14
> [debugger and scope will never be used together]
> indicators:
>   scintilla:   none (0..2 defined)
>   spellcheck:  uses GEANY_INDICATOR_ERROR
> Either I'm missing something big, or we'll never out of these.

Nothing wrong with your math, but the suggestion was started by talking to
someone who is writing *another* plugin that wants to use markers, and the
next one etc.

Certainly we can be authoritative and assign a range to the current plugins
that are in G-P, but thats not all plugins, and how do we manage it?  If
someone comes and says "for new_plugin I need 10 markers", we havn't got
them if bookmarks and debugger are allowed for.  So we would have to say to
users, sorry, you can't run new_plugin and debugger together, or you can't
run new_plugin and bookmarks together, and who is going to decide which
combinations are allowed?  And anyway which user is going to RTFM where we
say what combinations are legal?  So fixed allocations is not the answer.


> Other resource types: havent't checked.
> --
> E-gards: Jimmy
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