On Fri, 02 Aug 2013 08:39:37 +0200
Thomas Martitz <thomas.mart...@student.htw-berlin.de> wrote:

> Does "% master"  refer to a special comment? If yes I wonder what
> this is for? We support and can build projects for other filetypes
> without such a comment. I would expect the master file to be set in
> some dialog like all other IDEs with Latex support do.

vim as well as Emacs/AucTeX are supporting local variables where you
can e.g. set the master-document for a tex file. On emacs it looks like 

%%% Local Variables: 
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: "../da"
%%% End: 

(Example from my diploma thesis some time ago)

On vim such a string could look like at the end of the file

vim: fileencoding=utf8 textwidth=128 tabstop=4 nowrap shiftwidth=4 spell 

(OK. Not an example with master-file ...)

My gaol is to support these things also in Geany (for TeX-files and for
master-document, as these are the most important to me). But of course,
creating a project is a very good idea for the meanwhile on a
Geany-only project. 


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