On 13-08-30 01:00 PM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:
On Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:50:52 -0700
Matthew Brush <mbr...@codebrainz.ca> wrote:

There was a bug report about message window sizing issues that seems to
be caused by the Scope plugin:


I'm not sure how to "move" the ticket to the Geany-Plugins bug tracker
so I'm just sending it here.


If I recall correctly from writing MultiTerm, there's a bug in VTE
library where it doesn't size itself properly (maybe something related
to using width in characters instead of pixels) and it goes super-huge
by default.

Not huge, but certainly wider than a normal side panel. I simply haven't
tested that.

I didn't even know the option existed before that report, what a nice surprise!

For MultiTerm, I remember I had to perform an explicit
gtk_widget_set_size_request(wid, N, N) where N was any arbitrary size
smaller than expected (I think I chose 100 or 10 or something). Also,
I'm not positive, but the VTE widget might also need to be placed in a
GtkFrame or similar, and then into an GtkHBox with a GtkVScrollbar
(using the VTE's adjustment) next to the VTE into the GtkHBox.

Mine is a scrolled window instead of frame/hbox/scrollbar, but the
more likely reason is that I don't set fake initial sizes. The problem
is, unlike the terminals, Scope's "Program Terminal" and "Debug Console"
may emit a lot of text before being focused by the user. With fake
sizes, this text is ugly wrapped, due to the small "width", and
scrolled up outside the window, due to the small "height".

I'll try to find something satisfactory, and leave a comment at this
bug report when finished.

Cool. FYI, a similar problem seems to exist in Debugger plugin[1], even though it seems to use same "workarounds" as Geany VTE and IIRC copied by MultiTerm plugin, that don't cause the issue for whatever reason.

Matthew Brush

[1] https://sourceforge.net/p/geany/bugs/991/
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