On 13-10-05 03:12 AM, Mark Robinson wrote:
Hi Lex,

Thanks for the welcome.  Yes, I read the HACKING doc., and followed
it to the letter.  I have the new lexer up and working on a private
link from a GIT extract.  The plugin seems to be working as well, so
my C skills are getting better (I think).  The idea is to take the
snippets in snippets.conf and allow the user to select them (double
click to insert snippet) from a scroll window in the side-bar rather
than have to remember the keyword (I'm old as well, so memory is an
issue :)).  The new filetype I want to add has over 500 functions in
its library, so you (I) can't remember the snippet keyword for all of
them.  It occurred to me that this should work for any snippets, and
it does.

Oliver Marks made a GeanyPy plugin that sounds very similar to this. I can't find the Github repo anymore but you can see the Google+ posting about it here[1] and the Ubuntu PPA is here[2].

Just thought I'd mention it since it sounds so similar.

Matthew Brush

[1]: https://plus.google.com/108080448324780364479/posts/5KTLneQbxyG
[2]: https://launchpad.net/~oly/+archive/geany
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