
> Not what it says here https://wiki.gnome.org/Vala/Manual/Errors and
>> anything that can throw through C code can cause leaks since the C code
>> doesn't clean up.  Same as C++, you can't use exceptions mixed with C
>> code.
> Trust me, I generated lots of C code from Vala, when you throw an
> exception, in the CCode it throws on a GError out/result argument as you'd
> expect in C Code.

Yes, I understand how the "throws" are implemented in vala, but as I said,
the existing C code isn't designed to handle that.


>> Yeah, but its a binary which includes Glib and GTK IIUC, so we have to
>> match those.  I agree its not much worse than we have now but its not very
>> comforting that the last binaries are 2011 vala version 0.12 when even LTS
>> Linux distros have 0.18.
> We could compile own if we need to embeded release, otherwise using
> something like https://wiki.gnome.org/Vala/Win32CrossBuildSample or
> billions of other possibilities for creating cross-platform code as well as
> we do now.

Sure we *can* do anything, but "somebody" has to do it and maintain it.


> Nope, I propose *new* Geany release will only work on *new* dependencies,
> which are release in *new* distros, which are using *non-deprecated* APIs.

So you want the extra work of backporting bugfixes, or just forget about
older platforms?


> Ok, so I'm saying "No".  Geany doesn't need another language and more
>> complexity, it needs to be properly designed and then progressed to that
>> design.  Using another language to do that is a detail only.
> I don't believe you have ever learned or used Vala, so your "no" carries
> less weight.


> Said the fellow who have never programmed a line of Vala code in his life
> and who likes a language like C++ which is basically the equivalent to Vala
> for C/Gobject based applictaions.
> Ad hominem attacks have no place in this discussion list.

> Is it fair to consider Lex to be a +/-1 for the sake of keeping
> discussions on-track?

I would have thought that "no" above was obvious.

To be clear, tinkering with what language is used to tack more bandages on
to the current Geany design is a waste of time.  Choosing a better language
to implement a better design might be worthwhile.


> Cheers,
> Matthew Brush
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