I want to say, that it would be nice, if a DocumentMap/MiniMap would be added 
to Geany. Please add it to the Wishlist on your side.

Notepad++ have something called "Document Map":

Sublime Text have something called "MiniMap":

Since some time, Kate have a MiniMap, too:

All three have a line, where with very small fonts a bigger part of the 
document is shown and the current visible part of the Textarea have a colored 
background in the map.

But they differ in additional functionality of it.
Where Sublime Text only shows the MiniMap, Kate on the other side, can replace 
the scrollbar with it. And on Notepad++ it is a mix between the two. The 
scrollbar is still there, but you can click in parts of the Document Map, to 
jump to that position.

An additional point I want to mention, is a bug in your Webside-software.
As I wanted to add this wish to the wishlist, I clicked at the bottom of the 
page on "edit this page" of the line "(If you have another idea/wish which 
should be listed here, edit this page)".
Then it asks for a username and password. Because I don't have an account for 
it, and I find no place to register, I have somewhat input. After that it shows 
be an empty page and Geany.org was no longer available.
I thought, it would be an coincidental/hazard/fortuity/hap, that that happens.
But now there was again Geany.org reachable, then I tried it again. And again 
the Geany-side was after that down. :-(

So please update your Geany homepage software. Or it is really a very big 
coincidental/hazard/fortuity/hap, that in two times the Geany side goes in that 
time down, I tried to login there.

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