On Tue, 18 Mar 2014 09:26:54 -0700
Shankhoneer Chakrovarty <shankhon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> [...]
> Can you please tell me what is SF and PR?

Local jargon. :)
SF bug/patch # = Geany sourceforge bug/patch tracker item #.
PR # = Geany githut pull request #.

> Also, can you please assign me a
> bug or a feature request? I know I can pick anything from the list but
> since I am new to this project, I think it will be better for me not to
> chose by myself any bug/feature thats too complicated for me to implement
> and mess up the code.

Well, an uncomplicated non-fixed bug is not easy to find, and the
leading developers should have a better look than me. You can
try http://sourceforge.net/p/geany/bugs/839/ if you have Windows.

As of the feature requests, they are highly subjective - everyone wants
his or her own thing, which nobody else may need/like. So you can just
choose whatever seems useful to you.

E-gards: Jimmy
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