
I've built new Windows installers from current GIT master against a GTK
2.24 development environment and the GTK 2.24 runtime environment is
also included in the full installer.

This is a preparation step for future releases which should be shipped
with a recent GTK runtime on Windows.

Downloads can be found here:

Please note that these are test builds from the current development
version, don't expect release quality.
You have been warned :).

But after you installed the snapshots, you can also use the nightly
builds again on Windows (i.e. copy the archive contents over the

I noticed two issues so far which I have not yet debugged yet:

- auto completion popup is rendered incorrectly
- some icons are missing/not displayed correctly

Screenshots for both issues are attached.

The icon problem seems to be somewhat related to g_themed_icon_new() but
I'm not yet sure. I just had a quick look at the code.

@Lex: somewhere you said you used Geany with the GTK 2.24 runtime in the
past. Did you notice the icon problem?


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