On 17/01/15 13:28, Nick Treleaven wrote:
> On 15/01/2015 19:19, Matthew Brush wrote:
>> Related to lib iberty:
>> https://github.com/geany/geany/commit/1dc09597b24d19683abc597d45d7c28d37c199f0
> OK, so probably I can remove it from makefile.win32.
>>> Anyway, I gave up trying to fix the makefiles and tried Waf. It seemed
>>> to work, but now when using Geany autocompletion shows an empty list. It
>>> keeps doing this for a while on typing, then later I start typing again
>>> and Geany freezes - this is not a hang, task manager doesn't show Geany
>>> using CPU. I have to kill it. This is weird, and annoying because I
>>> don't know how to get a backtrace (Ctrl-Z doesn't seem to work on my
>>> Windows gdb, and anyway the process seems stuck rather than looping). I
>>> suspect a fault with Scintilla, but it could be unrelated.
>> Maybe it's a bug in GTK+? Which version are you using? It might be
>> worthwhile to test with some different version of the bundle just to see.
> Maybe, I haven't updated it in ages (GTK 2.22.0, GLib 2.26.0), it still
> works for Geany master a month or two ago. But maybe some recent code
> triggered a bug in it, perhaps the Scintilla 1.52 update. Next week I
> will try and bisect the commit that did it, and perhaps try updating GTK
> too.

Does the empty auto completion list look like this?

This is what I experienced some time ago. I assumed it might be related
to RDP which I use to connect to my Windows box.
If you got the same thing and you are not using RDP, it might something
more serious.

I don't remember to experience any hangs but I don't really use Geany on
Windows except for making Windows builds.

Hah, I just tried the Windows nightly builds (i.e. download the ZIP and
extract it over my existing Geany installation) and then the auto
completion list is filled and usable again on my system.
So it might be related to the differences in how the Geany binary is
created (the nightlies are also built using Waf but cross-compiled, not
native Windows builds).

Nick, can you confirm that the nightly builds work better?


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