On 23.6.2015 г. 02:25, Matthew Brush wrote:


One thing I forgot: the plugin API currently exports utils_spawn_[a]sync, and a few plugins use utils_spawn_sync. These functions were (partially correct) wrappers around the old glib/win32 spawn, and are now wrappers around spawn_[a]sync. Someday, in the distant future, they should be obsoleted...

> I get what you're saying but I also
> feel uneasy about blanket exporting of APIs with no current users of it,
> so we don't know exactly what really needs to be exported.

Well, with nothing from spawn exported, we can be pretty sure that all plugins _will_ be using utils_spawn and g_spawn instead. :)

> We should make Colomban decide :)

The leading developers should decide - including you.

E-gards: Jimmy
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