Geany Dev Team:

I have various ideas for Geany (that do not pertain to the file-extensions and language support) that I would like to share before I write or submit any code.

Also, I found an issue on On , there is a deadlink ( ).

By the way, thank you again, Matthew Brush, for the link to QML on Geany. I then found . Why are many of these "goodies" not in the mainstream Geany release?

Unless I over-looked it in , I assume discussion on plugin and color-scheme development are allowed in this mailing list, or is there a separate mailing list?


I noticed that on Geany's GitHub page under ./data/templates, there are two license templates ("gpl" and "bsd"). These templates appear in the "Edit > Insert Comments" menu. I would like to add some more license templates and include them in the menu. Does anyone disagree with this idea? I would like to add agpl, lgpl2, lgpl3, gpl3, cc0, and others. To make it easier to add menu items, could Geany be re-programmed to dynamically create that menu based on the templates included in ./data/templates and ~/.config/geany/templates , thus allowing users to add licenses to their own systems?

In my opinion, ./data/templates/gpl be renamed to ./data/templates/gpl2 to indicate that this is version 2 of the GNU General Public License. Also, should the menu entry explicitly indicate version 2?

To improve the highlighting used by C source-code, could "bool" be added to "primary=" in ./data/filetypes.c? "bool" existed since C99 ( && ). Also, what about "true" and "false" (lowercase) as seen in the <stdbool.h>? Currently, in Geany, "bool" looks like a variable (no highlighting) while other data-types use highlighting. True, "bool" is not in the "core" C-language without libraries, but it seems to me that "bool" should be added.

Could more "Independent commands" and "Filetype commands" be added to the "Set Build Commands" window opened under "Build > Set Build Commands"? On my system, for C and Python, I have all of the entries filled, but I need to add more.

I would also like to add additional "Build > Set Build Commands" commands to various languages. Are there any objections to me doing so? Obviously, I will share such ideas and apply the given feedback before submitting a PR.

Soon, I will experiment with compiling Geany using various GCC compiler flags and parameters. When I perform such an experiment, would you like me to share my results about successful, unsuccessful, and optimized compiling options (with included benchmarks)? For instance, I have configured and compiled the Linux kernel src for my system, and I have seen significant improvements in memory usage, speed, boot-up time, etc.. Afterwards, I had become interested in compiling source code myself rather than using the pre-compiled *.deb files. I would like to see if I can make Geany faster and more light-weight (on RAM). Since I will be doing such an experiment, the Geany Dev Team may find the results of my experiment to be beneficial to the project.

Devyn Collier Johnson

Devel mailing list

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