On 2019-08-01 12:41 a.m., KK2000 wrote:
Dear Geany developers,

I have developed a version of the Geany with native support for the GIBIANE 
language. The git patch is attached and has been tested with the latest version 
of Geany (commit 9c91c287803ae05ce0f2aacd605564301e0ef4aa).

What is the GIBIANE language ?
   The GIBIANE language is the language to control the Cast3M Software.
   Cast3M ( http://www-cast3m.cea.fr/ ) is a finite element software for 
structural and fluid mechanics.
   It is developed by the Department for Modelling Systems and Structures 
(DM2S) from the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission ( CEA 
http://www.cea.fr/english ), and it is widely used around the world.
   In Cast3M, the user have access to all source code that control algorithms 
for mechanics calculations.

I and the Cast3M team, would be very grateful if you accept to add the GIBIANE 
native support to the official Geany version.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please come back to me.

Nice work! We usually do pull requests on Github these days since it's harder to get lost and easier to see the individual changes than one big patch. Would it be possible to open a pull request on Github for this?

If the language is reasonably popular, it seems likely nobody would object to including it into core.

One thing with Geany is that the project has a policy of upstreaming changes to the libraries/other projects it uses, so new Ctags parsers and Scintilla lexers get merged upstream and then get pulled back down into Geany. This makes sure we don't hoard contributions as well as facilitates synchronizing the code between projects.

Matthew Brush
Devel mailing list

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