On Thu, 14 May 2020 at 16:52, Austin Green <austin.gr...@orcon.net.nz> wrote:
> Hi Lex,
> Further to my last message, which proposed: a new signal, say 
> "pre-key-press-event", then, in Geany start-up (before any plugin loading) 
> connect to "key-press-event".  In the handler for "key-press-event", Geany 
> just emits "pre-key-press-event" with the same event data as was passed to 
> it.  Thus, any plugin that needs to be assured of priority (and promises not 
> to suppress the signal handling) will get first look-in.
> OK, I've tried it out, and it works very well.  It doesn't look, at least to 
> me, as a non-Geany-expert, that it would cause any problems.  So, what's the 
> best way to bring it to the attention of the Geany devs?  Do they perhaps 
> read this list?   ;)   Or should I just go ahead and submit a pull request?

Yep.  But probably worth describing your use-case as well.


> Cheers,
> Austin.
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