On Sun, 12 Sept 2021 at 06:13, Enrico Tröger <enrico.troe...@uvena.de> wrote:
> I think this is rather the GTK3 default theme.
> Attached are three screenshots of Geany with:
> - the default theme (I assume it's Adwaita)
> - the native "win32" theme
> - a theme from https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1013580/ called "Windows10",
> it's more compact than the default theme

From your screen shots, it is clear that you have the win32 and
Windows10 themes installed.

The win32 theme works, but does not look as nice as the Windows10 theme.

How do you install a GTK3 theme on Windows? The linked page only
describes the install for *nix.

Google yields a confusing number of results that are full of
alternatives for the developer, but without much guidance for the post
installation user.


Doug Henderson, Calgary, Alberta, Canada - from gmail.com
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