On Fri, 2007-11-30 at 06:51 -0800, Gerard J. Cerchio wrote:
> I have been reviewing the code in the chat application and given the 
> abilities of the dbus do not feel that text messages will add all that 
> much complexity to the application. My original query was not as much 
> having a chat window in my activity but more of a Delphi like component 
> that I could drop into the buddy panel weld into my existing tubes and 
> be done with chat.

I think it wouldn't be hard to provide a set of gtk widgets that provide
that functionality so activities can embed.

> I have now become anxious about whether the 19x19 go board is feasible 
> on the OLPC. The game does have 9x9 and 13x13 modes of play. But the Go 
> world considers these less than optimal. There will be quite some time 
> before I get my G1G1's and only have sugar-jhbuild to run on. Is it 
> possible for anyone reading this to download the basic frame and report 
> if the 19x19 grid is usable?  You may find it at 
> https://dev.laptop.org/git?p=projects/PlayGo;a=tree



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