On 12/09/07 13:03, Bernardo Innocenti wrote:
> On 12/06/07 00:58, Albert Cahalan wrote:
>> It only gets bad when the RPM is defective, as is
>> rather common. Getting X11 headers will drag in libGL.
> I could fix this in the OLPC branch of libX11.

The nasty dependency was actually in xorg-x11-proto-devel.
The experimental update is in the olpc-bernie yum repo,
and a new xtest build will be out shortly.

Let me know if you find bad dependency chains like this
one.  I'm interested in cleaning up these things as far
as it doesn't require branching a lot more  packages.

 |___|   Bernardo Innocenti - http://www.codewiz.org/
  \___\  One Laptop Per Child - http://www.laptop.org/
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