Message: 2
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 18:27:54 -0500
From: John Richard Moser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Oprofile, swap
To: Ivan Krsti? <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

(Note:  most of this message isn't very useful
probably; it's about 
theoretical software architecture, that nobody's going
to implement, 
that I can't prove, that I'm not really 100% sure
about.  Still, if you
WANT to read it, hey... remember, bad ideas sometimes
get corrected by 
people who are smart enough to turn them into GOOD

You are absolutely correct...this message isn't very
useful, period.  When you can post or link to complete
open source code, please do so.  Otherwise, you are
wasting bandwidth on this list.  I don't speak for
anyone other than myself, of course, but I am not
remotely interested in anything that is NOT open
source.  Perhaps you could start a closed source list
of some sort to post your theories, and other like
minded souls can pontificate on the wonders of closed
source software.  Good luck.  This is an open
education project, not a closed, secret, keep people
ignorant project.

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