IMO LivelyKernel is unacceptably slow even on Safari on faster
hardware than what XO has.

However other web app toolkits are not as heavy weight --or slow-- as
Lively Kernel.

For example,  I and a colleague of mine have been working on a
javascript GUI app development toolkit that uses standard XTHML
div-based rendering for most things, but uses SVG when SVG is clearly
the right answer.

Using such a hybrid approach, one can achieve much better performance:
For example,
is a demonstration web service built using our toolkit.

A question to ask might be, when will the XO get updated to use FF3's
new rendering engine?  The new engine is supposed to be faster,
although I have not found that to really be the case on our machines.

- Ed

On Dec 21, 2007 1:28 AM, Bert Freudenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 20, 2007, at 21:06 , Jake B wrote:
> > Hello All,
> > I am expecting to get my XO laptop in the mail any day now. I was
> > hoping someone could tell me, does the XO ship with with an SVG
> > renderer? I'm wondering if it would be possible to develop rich
> > apps in SVG and ECMAscript for deployment on the XO.
> > I remember that there used to be an entry on SVG on the wiki, but
> > it appears to have been taken down...
> > Please let me know. Thanks.
> It works - but depending on the complexity of your app it gets rather
> slow.
> For example, even Lively Kernel worked, which is a full in-browser
> application development environment:
> - Bert -
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