> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Developer_Key describes the procedure for
> obtaining a developer key.  We tried to make that procedure as easy as
> possible within the constraints of our available manpower and time (i.e.
> we have a lot of other things that need attention too).  Note that there
> is no discretionary component to this procedure - ask and you shall receive.

I now have my developer key - thank you very much.
But there were hurdles:

The procedure describes using 'wget' to fetch the key.  Perhaps due 
to my physical connection setup (wired + proxy), the 'wget' would 
time out and say "Resolving activation.laptop.org ... failed". 
[Note: for me, wget on the laptop *does* work when fetching from 
other olpc servers.  And Browse on the laptop *did* fetch (from 
activation.laptop.org) the "status" page associated with my key.]

I ended up using a browser on a regular Linux system to fetch the 
key.  [And I had to __twice__ override the browser, which kept 
telling me it did not trust the activation.laptop certificate.] 
Then I had to provide a way to transfer the key from the Linux 
system to the laptop (to match how the other systems on my local LAN 
communicate, I installed vsftpd on the laptop).  A lot of effort.

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