1. Project name             : Graphics API for the Students of Python (GASP)
2. Existing website, if any :
3. One-line description     : GASP provides a simple, procedural
graphics API for beginning students using Python.

4. Longer description       :GASP is built on top of pygame, and is
designed to lead students into full use of python

                            :and object oriented programming.It is
designed to imitate LiveWires, a Tk python GUI

5. URLs of similar projects : Pygame <
                            : LiveWires <http://www.livewires.org.uk/python

6. Committer list

7. Preferred development model


8. Set up a project mailing list:

   [X] Yes, named after our project name

   [ ] Yes, named ______________________

   [ ] No

   When your project is just getting off the ground, we suggest you eschew
   a separate mailing list and instead keep discussion about your project
    on the main OLPC development list. This will give you more input and

   potentially attract more developers to your project; when the volume of
   messages related to your project reaches some critical mass, we can
   trivially create a separate mailing list for you.

   If you need multiple lists, let us know. We discourage having many

   mailing lists for smaller projects, as this tends to
   stunt the growth of your project community. You can always add more lists

9. Commit notifications

   [ ] Notification of commits to the main tree should be e-mailed to the list

       we chose to create above
   [ ] A separate mailing list, <projectname>-git, should be created for commit

   [X] No commit notifications, please

10. Shell accounts

11. Translation
    [ ] Set up the
laptop.org Pootle server to allow translation commits to be made

12. Notes/comments:
    Launchpad will handle code hosting and translations.
Devel mailing list

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