Dear developers,

Since I am *loving* my G1G1 (yes I recovered it from the brick I made
it yesterday), I am inspired to finally get my planetarium software
properly licensed and put into the git repository, with the hope that
someday it will be part of the large menu of applications along the
bottom bar.  That brings me to license.  Is there are requirement that
OLPC items be GPLv3, or can they be GPLv2 and/or Apache?  If there is
no choice, why, and if there *is* choice, why should I choose one over
the other, from a development and/or technical standpoint?

I don't want to start a hell-storm of philosophy; I, too have strong
opinions about licensing and IP and etc and etc; I just want to know
about the *technical* reasons and differences.


ps. My software is a simple, tiny, fast, and child-readable-hackable
planetarium described here:

pps. Email me if you want to try it

David W. Hogg - associate professor, NYU -
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