On Mon, 31 Dec 2007, Steve Lewis wrote:

> The following code allows Java JFrames to work properly on the OLPC -
> it assumes - only one active frame and that the frame is full screen.
> You can add it to common applications = the active sections work only on
> the OLPC
> The trick is to use showFrame and hideFrame instead of setVisible -
> these cause the frame to become the graphic environments full screen
> window -

Sweet (*) - one JVM per child!

If you're looking for where to post this, a good start would be a page on 
the OLPC wiki at http://wiki.laptop.org/....

-- Asheesh.

*. That is, if Java gets you excited in a positive way.

This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible.  This was terrible
with raisins in it.
                -- Dorothy Parker
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